Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hex Bag Update

Here's one thing you need to know: While beautiful, switching colors when crocheting is a pain in the rear. Good Gravy, that took a long time!

Today, I finished up the last of my hex-es and started to crochet them together. I watch Future Girl's videos over and over again to make sure I was doing it right. Here's the problem: I did not watch the corner joining video until I already had all of the hexes crocheted together in 2-D format. Let me tell you, this stumped me for about 30 minutes. I kept watching video 3 trying to figure out a way out of my mess. I ended up doing a hybrid of Alice's method and some whip stitches. Here's what I have as I go to bed tonight:

I still need to attach the half hexes and the straps. Oh, and there's the whole lining issue. Here's the thing: I don't care how much time this takes. I love how this bag looks and I am immensely proud of it. Yay!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Hex Tote Bag

I read a lot of crochet blogs. One of them, Tangled Happy, highlights hooky delights from around the web. A few months ago, Sarah highlighted the Hex Tote Bag by Future Girl. I fell in love instantly and knew I had to make it. The trouble is that I cannot put granny squares together save my life. Chances are, the hexagrams are going to be just as difficult.

So far, this is what I have (p.s. I only have a point and shoot and no pretty backgrounds):
The full collection: 10 circles, 4 half hexes, 18 starter circles
Half hexes for the top of the bag.

I love these colors together.

Wait. I love these, too!

16 remaining starter circles waiting to be turned into hexagons
I can't wait to finish the rest of these and start putting them together tomorrow! I'm still debating on the color I would like to use as the main border. I can't decide between the orange and the brown. I'm leaning toward the brown so that it makes the bright colors pop!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Why Crochet?

It seems like everyone in the world is all about knitting. Knitting is cool. Celebrities do it. Grandmas do it. Face it. It's cool.

Crochet, on the other hand, isn't, and frankly, that's lame. You can do things with crochet that you can't with knitting. In my mind, it's the free-er of the two skills. I <3 it so!

My mother-in-law taught me to crochet about twenty years ago to help relieve stress. I let it languish for years until...I was stuck in the hospital for 12 weeks. Then, I scoured the internet trying to find patterns to challenge my bored mind. A passion was born!

This blog is a place for me to share my designs and my patterns for anyone who would like to use them. Enjoy!

This is a test link: Link to test page